Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dallas JEWEL and a new book!

Hi, ladies (and a few gents)!

It's great of you to stop by again. It's been a busy and wonderful month -- dear friends coming to visit, having babies, and getting engaged. I'm full of happiness for all of them. March 2010 is being good to all of us.

Needless to say, I've been a bit busy. Still, I've managed to knock out some writing-related business. I have a new Web site. Yup, I'm all grown up now -- no more geocities or other "free" sites. I decided it's about time I bought a domain. Please visit and let me know if anything seems out of order. I'm not exactly computer savvy.

I also want to thank the ladies of the Dallas JEWEL Lesbian Fiction Book Club for having me speak at their March meeting. Even though I was nervous, I had a really good time. Author Carsen Taite interviewed me in this vlog:

I never realized how many gestures I make while speaking. LOL. Cameras freak me out a little bit. Thank you anyway, Carsen!

As mentioned in the vlog, I've started tinkering with a new book. Its tentative title is Cookies for Breakfast. I've conned my wonderful friend and Intaglio Publications editor Tara Young into joining me in this venture. Over drinks at the Rainbow Lounge, we fleshed out the characters and laughed our asses off over scenes we want to include. Yes, this book will be a light and fluffy, hopefully hilarious read that you can take to the beach. We'll start writing seriously as soon as I'm done with school in June. In the meantime, we're sending silly suggestions to each other via Facebook, and I've completed the first chapter.

It's been entirely too long since I've had a new book out. Life, it seems, keeps getting in the way. Mostly, it's the good stuff.

I did manage to crank out a short story and just submitted it for consideration for the anthology, Best Lesbian Romance 2011. We'll see how that goes. The publisher said that decisions about which stories will be published will be made over the summer and the book will be out in the fall. Please wish me luck! It's my first attempt at getting a fiction piece in print that is more PG-13 than R. ;)

Thanks again for reading, everyone! I'm so pleased with responses you've sent about Let It Shine and Preying On Generosity. Look forward to more stuff finally coming soon.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Finally... An Update

First things first: I've been invited to speak at the Dallas Jewel Lesbian Fiction Book Club on March 10 at Ilume at the corner of Cedar Springs and Knight. We'll be in the Great Room from 6:30-8:30 p.m. I'm very excited (and a bit nervous) to be discussing my second book, Preying On Generosity. I'm bringing a surprise for everyone attending.

It'll be interesting to see what the ladies think of Angie and Lauren's adventures. You're more than welcome to join us (so long as you don't heckle the speaker!). Bring your friends, girlfriends, and neighbors. The more the merrier.

On to other things...

I met with Christine Angele to make a payment on the work we commissioned -- Sam's painting (see blog post below). It's absolutely perfect in every way.

The look on his face is haunting. Knowing. Seductive and mischievous. He's perched between trees in a fantastical forest, almost hidden in the luscious surroundings. It gave me the feeling that he momentarily swept away the boundary between the here and beyond to peek at us. The piece is so beautiful. I can't wait for you to see it.

The artist will make prints that you can get directly from her. She understands that this is important to many of us. It's well worth whatever she decides to charge. She's put so much effort into this piece -- you can tell the whole affair means something to her, too. She said she feels almost as though he's lurking in the studio, helping her along a bit.

I wouldn't be surprised.

Sarah and I will collect the painting at Scarborough Fair. That's when we get the pictures of him that weren't chosen for the piece. I saw several, and they're good. I'll need to do some cropping before I send them to his Mom and Dad (he's nude in most of the pictures), but I think they'll appreciate it greatly. I also plan to post a few here.

This whole thing is incredibly powerful. He left us some of what we needed. and I'm grateful.